
EDP Distribuição participates and tests its capabilities in the 1st Edition of the National Cybersecurity Exercise

The National Cybersecurity Centre (CNCS) held the first edition of the National Cybersecurity Exercise (exNCS) on 9 and 10 May to test and evaluate methods and procedures in the area of ​​cybersecurity in public and private sector entities, and promote the creation of digital resilience at the national level.

EDP ​​Distribuição was invited to participate, under its partnership and protocol with CNCS, and due to its responsibility as the operator of Critical Infrastructures, reinforcing the importance of the Mission Critical Information Infrastructures (IIMC) in the national strategic planning of cybersecurity.

This exercise proved to be another excellent opportunity for EDP Distribuição to test and assess its ability to respond to and recover from cyber incidents, implementing its CyberSafety Incident Response and Action Plan (PARIS), and to cooperate with other national entities creating synergies and exploiting the interdependencies between different sectors of activity. In the alignment of the exercise, the national obligations of each entity were also explored in the context of the NIS (Network Information Security) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) directive, which will be transposed into national legislation during the month of May.

EDP ​​Distribuição in its strategy, in line with the National Cyberspace Security Strategy (according to Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 36/2015 of 12 June), recognises the importance of holding national cybersecurity exercises that enable it to train the teams and test the organization's readiness and maturity to deal with the threats of its digital transformation.