
Discover "Animal Talks - Knowledge in Motion"

Zoo animals delight all those who visit them. Want to know more about them? The guides tell you everything! The Zoo, with the support of EDP Distribuição, presents the "Animal Talks - knowledge in movement” project.

A new educational entertainment programme that will uncover the extraordinary animal kingdom, as never before seen on a regular visit. Every weekend from 22 April to 21 October, animals from the wildest home in Lisbon will have a voice and the conservation projects will be transmitted to visitors in a dynamic way so that the visit becomes, besides a well spent day and a moment of relaxation, a certainty of the contribution to a world-wide project of conservation of endangered species and their habitat.

Every weekend, Educators - properly identified and accompanied by an EDP Distribuição electric bicycle - will travel along the mysterious rails of the zoo carrying various zoological materials (scales, teeth, feathers, eggs of reptiles and birds, skulls, among others), to provide visitors with a moment of pure learning, where, in addition to observing the behaviour of the animal in their facilities and reading the educational signs, they can freely interact and ask the questions they have always been curious about.

EDP ​​Distribuição considers that the practice of proactive environmental management is value-generating and it is the duty of a socially responsible company to adopt an inclusive and sustainable social responsibility model. In this context, EDP Distribuição’s sponsorship of this project reinforces its commitment to protect biodiversity.

See the programme here, grab your family and friends and discover, in "Animal Talks", all the secrets kept by the wild animals!