
100% of EDP Distribuição certified under the Environmental Management System

We achieved the goal 2 years early: The external certification body, Lloyd's, recommends the certification of EDP Distribuição - Energia, S.A., according to ISO 14001: 2015, for all its activities.

After 25 days of auditing, covering more than 80 areas and facilities and around 70 people audited by two external auditors of Lloyd's, EDP Distribuição obtained total certification of its operation under the Environmental Management System (EMS), according to ISO 14001:2015. The audit team verified that the extension of the EMS to the new activities and technical facilities has been effectively performed and, as a result of the audit, all areas and technical facilities of EDP Distribuição are integrated within the scope of the system.

Consequently, no negative findings were found that could be non-conformities, and the requirements of the standard were correctly applied. At the end of this cycle, Lloyd's highlighted a number of strengths in the organization:

Strong teamwork spirit to meet environmental requirements;

Improved environmental performance in a sustainable way;

Raised awareness of all interviewed employees to the environmental issues associated with their activities;

High investment in environmental protection systems and in terms of continuous improvement;

Extensive control of service providers, in particular with regard to monitoring of their work and audits;

Strong involvement with stakeholders in the EMS, examples being the partners of the “birdlife" protocols, service providers.

The Environment and Sustainability Area, of the Environment, Sustainability and Business Continuity Directorate, thanks all those who make the EMS happen in the field, and especially the employees who participated in the audit process. By the continued implementation of its EMS, EDP Distribuição is promoting positive transformations aimed at a greater purpose - meeting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals - which the EDP Group has adhered to, in particular Goal 15.