
EDP Distribuição awarded international prize for Digital Transformation

In October, as part of the largest international event in the electricity sector, EDP Distribuição's Digital Transformation process was distinguished from among several other candidates as a reference case on a global scale.

The winning proposal of the Utility Transformation category was submitted last May by EDP Distribuição's chairman, João Torres, and the EDP Distribuição team, represented by Luís Cunha. It was integrated in an annual publication entitled "The Global Smart Energy Elites 2017".

While only having been around for a relatively short time - only three years, this is already the second time that the Company is distinguished with an article in this international reference magazine. The Global Smart Cities Elites text shows, briefly, how EDP Distribuição leads the transformation to the digital and smart grids of the future.

Approaching the theme in a holistic way that, in addition to the integration of the digital world with energy, also considers the value enhancement potential associated with the processes, the relationship with partners and, above all, the people, in what we call " EDP ​​Distribuição: A Journey Towards a Fully Digital DSO. "