
EDP Distribuição and Locamation design the Substation of the Future

A combination of social, technological and environmental factors is profoundly transforming the energy industry. The continued increase in renewable energy sources, characterized by their intermittency, the need to improve grid reliability and the quality of electricity, together with the regulatory requirement to reduce the operating costs of grid assets, require a new approach today, that is already prepared to respond to the challenges of the future.

Power Grids are significantly more complex, prepared for ever-increasing bidirectional energy flows, information volumes, and transactions. The integration of distributed power resources requires a constant balancing of the grid, namely: real-time adjustments of production and consumption better knowledge of the status of grid assets, more dynamism in protection, command and control systems... all which is only possible with a new substation platform. In this sense, at the recent meeting in Lisbon - ETIP SNET*, EDP Distribuição and Locamation agreed to develop and maintain a partnership that will combine exchanges of information, experiences and lessons learned with the world's largest roll-out of a new and innovative Centralized Protection and Control project for substations, implemented in the Netherlands.

The protocol signed between the two companies will allow the collaboration and exchange necessary to develop and validate the IoT strategy, providing the main results and best practices of the Dutch Locamation case. *European Technology & Innovation Platforms - Smart Networks for Energy Transition.