
EDP Distribuição breaks the Service Quality record in 2016

In 2016, EDP Distribuição achieved the best result ever in terms of Service Quality Service in electricity supply, for the third consecutive year, demonstrating the success of the management of the investments being made by the Company.

The annual value of the internationally adopted EIT (Equivalent Interruption Time) indicator to assess the continuity of supply was 52 minutes, an improvement of about 70% on the service quality of mainland Portugal in the last decade, and which corresponds to a reliability of 99.99% in the electricity distribution grid.

EDP ​​Distribuição is once again placed in the group of best-performing European counterparts. It is even the best-performing distributor with regard to the indicator associated with supply interruptions to carry out scheduled work. The result achieved is a consequence of the investment and maintenance policy aimed at critical infrastructures, operational improvements and a focus on modernization, with emphasis on automation, integrated in the InovGrid smart grid project.

The investment made in the last decade has amounted to EUR 4 billion. Also worth noting is the strong reduction of asymmetries between the different regions of the country in terms of service quality.