
João Torres re-elected president of EDSO for Smart Grids

The chairman of EDP Distribuição, João Torres, was reappointed as EDSO for Smart Grids president for the next biennium. The terms of the vice-presidents of the institution, Christian Buchel, of ENEDIS, António Espinosa de los Monteros, of Iberdrola, and Lívio Gallo, of ENEL, were also renewed. The team was enlarged with the integration of Joachim Schneider of RWE International SE.

EDSO for Smart Grids is an association representing the interests of 34 members, including 31 European distribution grid operators, which provide more than 70% of electricity consumers in 20 European countries, with more than seven million kilometres of distribution grid and total customers number over 350 million.

EDSO plays a key role in developing solutions for the future of the energy sector, in particular through the dissemination of smart metering solutions and the introduction of intelligence in the grid. Some of the association’s priority actions are: information management and market facilitation, through the automation of electricity distribution grids and the active participation of consumers in the management of their electricity consumption.