
EDP Distribuição obtains certification in the area of Innovation

EDP Distribuição is the first national utility to obtain certification in the field of Innovation, affirming itself as an international benchmark in the areas of research and innovation.

This certification recognizes the development and consolidation of the Research, Development and Innovation Management System (SGIDI), which has been acting as a catalyst for ideas in EDP Distribuição, fostering the creation of RDI projects and their dynamic development in the organization.

The certification granted by Societé Générale de Surveillance, S.A. (SGS), after verifying conformity with NP4457, was assisted by the organization, generally mobilized for this, and is reward for recently developed initiatives, which include: the Inovgrid project – Smart Grids; the development of EDP Distribuição Digital; Storage in the field of energy storage, as well as other projects with external entities, both national and international, of the business, scientific and academic areas.

The activity of InovTeam stands out in the Innovation area’s organization model, a team that has staff from all the company’s organizational units. This team reviews all proposals submitted through the suggestion and new ideas collection platforms, Click Idea and RADAR.

See the video of the award of the certificate.