Vegetation Management
Preserving Nature
The study protocol with the ISA from 2019 to 2021 focused on fuel management associated with the electricity grid: functions, limitations and possibilities, analysing the efficiency of linear structures and mosaic structures to be used by E-REDES in its operations in the territory, and comparing the performance of fuel treatment in bands and patches using fire behaviour simulations.
The partnership with ForestWISE has allowed us to present an extensive edaphoclimatic characterisation of the areas where compatible occupation is possible, by municipality, and of the economic activities potentially related to the use of the species indicated.
The aim of this protocol is to promote the construction of biodiversity support structures using the wood from large trees felled during the E-REDES vegetation management actions and the promotion of these structures as environmental education tools among the local population.
A joint Responsibility: Report
The careful and judicious management of the forest is essential for the safety, well-being and protection of us all. If you detect the proximity of vegetation to an overhead line, with the risk of possible contact, please do not hesitate to report this situation to us through our E-REDES digital app or the Digital Counter, in the option Risk Situation - Proximity of trees to overhead lines.