Prevention and Safety

Safety in the Community

Safety concerns us all and at E-REDES we work hard to be an engaged, committed and leveraging member of the community, guaranteeing public safety.

Over the past few years, we have maintained a monitoring program at our facilities for electromagnetic fields, which has enabled us to take thousands of measurements of their intensity.

Electromagnetic fields exist wherever electricity is generated, transmitted, distributed or used. Ever since electricity became an integral part of our society, these fields have been ubiquitous in our environment.

However, electromagnetic fields are also naturally present on the planet and in the natural physiology of the human body. For example, the planet's natural magnetic field – capable of moving a piece of magnetized iron – is more intense than most fields of artificial origin that humans are subjected to on a daily basis.

What kind of Electromagnetic Fields does E-NETS emit

E-REDES installations generate mostly Extremely low frequency (ELF) fields – 50 Hertz (Hz). There are other household electrical appliances that also generate ELFs, such as dishwashers, washing machines, irons, hair dryers, shavers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, televisions, etc.

These electromagnetic fields are considered extremely low frequency because their frequencies (below 300 Hz) are very low compared with those of most telecommunications equipment or the higher frequencies of infrared radiation, visible light, ultraviolet radiation, and X-rays.

What we do for the safety of people and the environment

In recent years, we have increased our knowledge about the ELF generated by the company's infrastructures through monitoring actions in facilities, High and Medium voltage lines, Substations, Transformer Stations and Low voltage grids.

The results show that the electromagnetic field values measured are significantly lower than the reference levels defined in the national legislation in force.

Following the work already done, we continue to follow new developments on this subject, increasing the knowledge about the electromagnetic fields generated by our facilities, through regular monitoring.

In the field of research, we sponsored several studies on this subject, in partnership with Portuguese universities, such as the University of Coimbra and the Instituto Superior Técnico.

We highlight the work produced on extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields, Public Health and High voltage lines, as well as the Guide on Mitigation Measures for the Emission of Magnetic Field at 50 Hz at EDP facilities.