RePLANT enabled new approaches to support E-REDES' decision making, regarding the management of vegetation around electrical infrastructures, which requires effective and safe responses, which is only possible by joining the efforts of the main agents.
RePlant was the first project developed by Forestwise, the Collaborative Laboratory for Integrated Forest and Fire Management, a consortium of several entities, including E-REDES.
This project mobilized 20 entities with common interests and problems, allowing for knowledge sharing across the board, with the support of academia and Research and Innovation entities, integrating the experience of all in the search for best practices and innovative solutions.
New approaches were developed to support the decision making of E-REDES regarding the management of vegetation in the surroundings of electrical infrastructures, which requires effective and safe responses, which is only possible through the joint efforts of the main agents.
This project lasted three years and had an investment of 5.6 million euros aimed at developing products and services that ensure the sustainable management of Portuguese forests.