
Video call assistance

Thinking of everyone's safety, E-REDES launched a new service of attendance by video call that allows you to be attended by an assistant from the service point, through which all customers can interact with the Company, in a convenient, personalized way and without leaving home.

Thanks to this new digital service, any customer can clarify doubts, submit requests for a new connection to the grid, request power increase, submit documentation, among other issues, with complete safety and ease. To do this, simply schedule the service with an assistant for the day and time that is most convenient for you through the E-REDES website. After validation of the appointment, the customer will receive an email and/or SMS with confirmation of the service, the link and the respective instructions for accessing the service. One day before the session, an email reminding the client of the appointment will also be sent.

By enabling a remote access to the services provided by the Attendance Points assistants, regardless of the geography of who requests this interaction, E-REDES guarantees the provision of a service with high levels of quality and efficiency, decisive for the customer's final satisfaction.

The video call service can, depending on the subject and the availability of the teams, be scheduled for the same day or in the following 15 days at a time that is more convenient for you.

Schedule a service by video call here.

  1. The video call service allows you to access the services provided by E-REDES service point assistants remotely, avoiding the need to physically travel, particularly at a time when social contact should be restricted as much as possible.

  2. The video call service can be used to answer questions, submit applications for a new connection to the electricity network, a power increase and submit documentation, among other things.

  3. The platform supporting the video call is Microsoft Teams, which you can access via one of the following devices - smartphone, tablet or computer - with a camera and microphone.

    For it to work properly, you must ensure that you use one of the following browsers when accessing the video call service via your computer: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Safari. If you prefer, you can download the teams app here.

  4. You must access the scheduling form and follow the steps below:

    1. Select the topic you want to cover;
    2. Fill in the form with the information requested;
    3. Choose the date and time to be assisted by a service point assistant;
    4. Confirm your appointment details.
  5. After appointment confirmation, you will receive the following notifications:

    • Confirmation e-mail and/or SMS with instructions on how to access the service;
    • Reminder e-mail 24 hours before the session;
    • SMS, if you provide your phone number, as a reminder 15 minutes before the session.
  6. On the day and time of the appointment, access the confirmation e-mail and select the "Go to Session" (Ir para Sessão) button to access the "Waiting Room" (Sala de espera) page. On this page, select the "Open Session" (Abrir Sessão) button. After selecting this button you will be taken to the Teams session page. If you want to make the video call in your browser, select the "continue in this browser" option.

    Don't forget: make sure you have a good internet connection and check that your camera and microphone are switched on.

  7. At the scheduled time, enter the video call and wait for the assistant. If after 5 minutes the assistant is still not available, you can report the delay by selecting the "report delay" link on the "Waiting Room" page.

  8. Yes, for non-contractual issues (e.g. proximity to vegetation, requests for information) you don't need an electricity contract. 

  9. Yes, during the attendance session you can send documentation to the assistant through the “File Exchange” section available on the “Waiting Room” page. 

  10. Yes, for some of the available topics it is possible to invite other participants who are interested in taking part in the appointment session. Participants added by you will receive a confirmation e-mail with the link to access the session. 

  11. Yes, in case E-REDES has to cancel your appointment due to unforeseen circumstances, you will receive a warning e-mail and SMS.

  12. The assistant will wait for you for 10 minutes. If you cannot access the session, it will be automatically cancelled. If you want a new session, you'll have to schedule an new one. 

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