Public Lighting


Thanks to this technology, it is possible to adapt the lighting levels in public spaces, according to lighting profiles defined in the management platform created for this purpose, as well as to control each luminaire individually. The FlexIP system also allows the population to interact with the Public Lighting, within pre-established limits, through its cell phone using a QR Code.  
FlexIP has already allowed efficiency gains of around 70% and enables us to react more quickly and effectively to anomalies detected in public lighting, improving the quality of the service provided. This system is based on an open architecture, allowing the integration of components from different manufacturers and openness to innovation.  
The goal is to work together with municipalities in the visualization and control of the Public Lighting network, accessing the FlexIP platform or integrating with municipal management systems. Based on FlexIP 
, it will also be possible to install sensors to collect relevant information for Smart Cities, such as meteorological data, urban activity levels, noise and air quality. Initiatives like this reinforce E-REDES' and municipalities' bet on energy efficiency and smart network management, with a clear improvement in service quality. 

For more information, visit the project page on the Porto Energy Transition Accelerator website.